The Center for
Video Interaction Guidance™ USA

Video Interaction Guidance™ (VIG™) is a developmental, relational intervention that targets strengthening relationships in order to
Build/enhance healthy parent-child attachment
Improve parent/teacher/caregiver-child attunement and sensitivity (across the neurodiversity spectrum) to optimize all children's development in every domain
Strengthen professional practice

Celebi and Spring 2020

VIG enables parents to identify & learn from their own successes so that they are better able to:
Attune to and read their children’s cues and respond appropriately
Develop confidence in their parenting skills and strengthen their healthy bond with their children
Create more relaxed, enjoyable time with their children
Optimize their child’s brain development
Improve their own communication and strengthen their relationship

VIG is a powerful tool that trained supervisors use to improve professional and paraprofessional practice in schools, social services, and clinical settings. Using VIG, supervisors help their staff develop new and better ways to:
Engage positively with children, youth, and families:
VIG allows supervisors to review recorded interactions between staff and students/clients, enabling them to identify existing strengths and develop effective strategies for improving student/client engagement.
Support staff to use their own strengths as the foundation for ongoing professional development:
Through video review and collaborative discussions, VIG enables supervisors to empower staff to recognize their own strengths & capabilities and to help them set and achieve goals for continued professional growth.​​​
Equip staff to help students and clients leverage their strengths:
VIG helps supervisors work with staff to recognize the strengths and abilities of their students/clients. By learning how to use those identified strengths as building blocks for growth and change, staff are better equipped to maximize the developmental outcomes of their students and clients. ​
Foster stronger organizations and teams:
VIG promotes a collaborative approach by involving supervisors and staff in the reflective process. This encourages teamwork, shared learning, and a collective effort towards professional growth. As a result, organizations and teams become stronger, more cohesive, and better equipped to provide quality services to children and families.​​
Improve programs and services for better outcomes:
Through VIG, program leaders/supervisors gain insights into the effectiveness of programs and services. Program leaders/supervisors can then work with staff to ensure that the services align with the needs of the clients, leading to improved outcomes for children and families.

CVIGUSA is part of an international community of senior VIG trainers who work in collaboration with the founders of the method in the Netherlands to oversee QA and ensure fidelity so that outcomes can be replicated in any setting: across languages, cultures, countries, and markedly different systems of care.
VIG was brought to the United States in the 1990’s. The Center for Video Interaction Guidance, USA is the sole source for training and certification of VIG practitioners in the United States. All current master trainers in the US were trained and certified by the Dutch founders of the model.

Our Mission
To use Video Interaction Guidance™ (VIG™) to strengthen the quality of programs and services across North America at every level (executive, supervisory and direct services) so that parents, other caregivers & clinicians in any discipline (health care, mental health, child welfare, education and other social services) are better able to nurture and support the healthy development and wellbeing of ALL children and their families.
Intellectual Property & Dissemination Rights
The United States: CVIGUSA, LLC
(The Center for Video Interaction Guidance™ USA, LLC)-
Sole source for VIG Training supervision, & certification in the U.S. (under MOU with AIT/SPIN)
​CVIGUSA IP is protected by copyright, trademarks and service marks in the U.S.
The Netherlands: AIT/SPIN
(Associatie voor Interactiebegeleiding en Thuisbehandeling)-
Owns the registered trademark for VIG in the EU
Establishes & oversees QA and training/certification protocols & practices world-wide